The Attack: Kurt Schlichter’s No Holds Barred Preview of Coming Attractions: Mature Readers Only

Because it is written in the form of an oral history, it feels more real than if it had been written as a regular novel. Anyone who has carefully looked over the accounts of the October 7 raid by Hamas into Israel will understand that the author has not exaggerated his descriptions of the malevolent mayhem in this book.

The following plot synopsis for author/lawyer/retired army colonel Kurt Schlichter‘s latest novel comes from the website:

Some 10,000 jihadist terrorists, sponsored by Iran, are set loose on a three-day kamikaze assault on the American homeland in the novel. Before they’re done they manage to kill well over 100,000 Americans in the worst terrorist attack in human history.

On the first day, the terrorists stage a wave of mass shootings in public places — schools, malls, police stations, airports — and use man-portable air defense missiles to knock jumbo jets out of the sky near airports across the country. On the second day, after a national stay-at-home order is in place as a means of preventing more mass-casualty attacks, four-man shooter teams assault suburban neighborhoods all over America in a savage murder spree. (READ MORE: Biting the (Left) Hand That Feeds Him)

On the third day, which in the book is Aug. 29 of this year, they go after our infrastructure — cyber attacks, rifle shots to power transformers, assaults on oil refineries, and so on.

The story is told as an oral history and each chapter is the personal story of someone who survived The Attack — a cop in Cincinnati, an HVAC contractor in suburban Philadelphia, a Secret Service agent, an Army general, a traumatized 15-year-old girl made an orphan on the second day, the owner of a refuge for dogs made homeless by the murders of their owners, and many more.

The tales these fictional characters tell come off as very, very real. The most striking — and disturbing — thing about The Attack is that what Schlichter describes in its pages isn’t just plausible, it’s quite likely.

Our border is wide open, and people from the worst and most hostile places on earth are streaming across. It’s hard not to believe that the migrant invasion doesn’t contain thousands and thousands of people who hate America and seek to do us harm.

And you saw what 19 of them could do on Sept. 11, 2001.

Schlichter wrote The Attack after he saw what Hamas managed to do to Israel on Oct. 7 of last year. His conclusions are very valid — as is his judgment of the likely performance of our president and vice president should such a crisis occur.


There are many parallels between the Iran-sponsored attack of Hamas on Israel on 7 Oct 2023, and the three day multi-layered attack described in the novel. Iran occupies the center of planning, financing, and weapons provision in both cases.

The novel is written in an oral history format, much like Max Brooks’ World War Z.

It is a straight-faced description of what may be in the works at this very moment, thanks to the welcome mat laid down at the US – Mexico border by the DNC Cartel and the Biden/Soros coalition. It is very well written. Just when you feel the need to point out a plot element you feel the author has missed, he presents that very feature in detailed form.

The story is presented from dozens of viewpoints, including those who smuggled the terrorists across the border, the leftist university students who tried to leverage the attack into a full revolution, the first responders who met the unknown threat and often died, and ordinary citizens from all walks of life from all regions of the US.

Thoughtful readers cannot help but ask themselves: In the event of such a sequence of attacks, what is the proper response of a responsible stake-holder in a constitutional republic? Is it better to run toward the attack with whatever weapons you can scrape up to try to thwart the terror? Or is it better to try to find a safe place to hide? Such a person should ask themselves if they believe that their own training and preparation is equal to or superior to the training and preparation of the terrorists. Can they coordinate with others who are on their side in as effective a way as the terrorists themselves are coordinated?

The date for the mass terror attack in the book is 27-29 August, 2024.

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1 Response to The Attack: Kurt Schlichter’s No Holds Barred Preview of Coming Attractions: Mature Readers Only

  1. Dan_Kurt says:

    Worth reading just to get to experience Kurt Schlichter‘s take on a speech given by Kamala Harris after the first day of the Attack. Stolen elections have consequences, even in fictional scenarios. Dan Kurt

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