Trump Interviewed Wearing Nice Suit and Tie Over Orange Prison Coveralls

Following one of the most irregular and incoherent prosecutions since the conviction of Jeanne d’Arc for wearing men’s clothes, President Donald Trump has been sent to the US Federal Concentration Camp for Political Dissidents and Reformers. [Ed: Actually President Trump is still free pending sentencing and appeal.]

Leftists suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome have descended another level into an irreversible insanity of irrational hatred toward the man. But there is more — and less — to this left-wing reactionary circus of political despotism than meets the eye.

Most of the wildly celebrant knee-jerkers who danced to the news of a Trump conviction, should be considered string-puppets so rigidly jerked-about and graceless as to give the higher class of string-puppets that perform on dingy street corners, a bad name.

Manhattan Contrarian

It looks as if Trump was convicted for the crime of being a threat to the reigning powers that be, both governmental and non-governmental.

Alan Dershowitz discusses the rigged nature of the New York State political prosecution:

Remember: NetZero is going to need hundreds of $trillions in mandates, subsidies, handouts, and tax breaks, over the next several years. It will require almost the entire economic output of the world for the next few years, leaving nothing to spend on necessities.

Donald Trump may be one of the few political leaders in the entire world who sees the NetZero scam for what it is: a huge boondoggle designed to enrich left-leaning elites while impoverishing the world’s middle classes. NetZero is only one of scams that elitists are using to drain the middle class dry for their own benefit. The Biden/Soros open border policy is another way of destroying US society and infrastructure.

Trump sees many of these nihilist schemes clearly, and is capable of understanding most of the rest of them due to his own background in business. That is one reason the elites — the ones who pull the strings — feel compelled to rig both trials and elections to hamstring Donald Trump.

NetZero Forever!

China is another huge force that feels threatened by the prospect of another Trump presidency. The CCP has Joe Biden in its pocket, and does not want to give up that advantage. The communists will use every trick in the book to keep Trump out of the White House next year.

Meanwhile the case against Trump has probably zero chance of surviving all appeals. However, that will take a long time to play out. Trump’s first appeal will go to something called the Appellate Division, First Department, an appellate court also sitting in Manhattan. From there, the next appeal will be to the New York Court of Appeals, and then (if the case is still alive) to the U.S. Supreme Court. Yes, there is a real issue for the Supreme Court, should the case get that far, which is whether the New York DA has jurisdiction to prosecute a federal election law crime, which underlies his theory that Trump’s bookkeeping violations can be raised to a felony.

Anyway, if the Supreme Court was disgusted enough by Vullo’s abuse of her powers to reverse in the NRA case, it would be quite likely that they would reverse in Trump’s case. __ Manhattan Contrarian

In other news, how is Joe Biden’s therapy program coming along?

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