Yale Law Professor Jed Rubenfeld Discusses NY State Court Trump Guilty Verdict and the Precedent it Sets

Jed Rubenfeld is married to the Tiger Mom Amy Chua. And he is still alive after being married to her for over 20 years. So he is clearly tough minded and can hold his own in long-running arguments with a bright and tough-minded woman.

Like all modern public figures with a tendency to tell the truth from an informed standpoint, both Rubenfeld and Chua have been mercilessly attacked by the elitist left in the media and academia. But I always say, judge the argument, not the person.

I know nothing about Rubenfeld, but he doesn’t come across as partisan on either side. And a lot of his arguments are consistent with the arguments we made in our Telegraph Op-Ed (though he makes them better, but in fairness, we were under a 650 word limit). __ Serious Constitutional Problems in NY State Trial and Verdict

The video above answers several important questions which open-minded persons may have about the repercussions of the recent guilty verdict against President Donald Trump in a Manhattan courtroom last week. Rubenfeld begins by explaining the basis for the case against Trump, then goes on to unravel the furious legal tangles that seemingly multiplied themselves in exponential fashion.

If you think “Alice in Wonderland” is a tangled web, wait until you try to understand NY State vs. Trump.

Meanwhile, the spotlight is slowly moving to illuminate Joe Biden’s mental decline:

Wall Street Journal — Biden Shows Signs of Slipping

Zero Hedge — He’s Not the Same Person

NYP — Signs of Decline

Breitbart — The President’s Brain is Turning to Mush

It is not clear how much longer the White House, the DNC cartel, and the media can continue to cover up the “president’s ” non compos mentis. To call the Biden regime a banana republic is to insult banana republics everywhere.

Bonus: Biden takes the stage at the Normandy Beach memorial event in France

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