Palestinian Babies: An Eternal Birthright of Hatred

All babies and children are hostages to the mental pathologies of their parents, grandparents, close relatives, and family friends. This is particularly true among populations who view themselves as victimized by a hated population, whatever that may be. I learned personally from friends and acquaintances of Palestinian descent how early the hatred of Palestinian for Jew was instilled by the close relatives of very young infants.

Palestinians may say that they hate Jews because of the formation of the nation of Israel in a location where Palestinians were previously more or less in control (under British oversight). That is part of the story, but it is not the beginning and it is not the end. Rational reasons for hatred often miss the target, when the feelings run so deep and so far back in the child’s history.

All Palestinians support Hamas: Here is what they really want

Islamic scriptures from the very beginning of Islam contain admonitions to kill the Jews and to hate the Jews in every way possible. But the conflicts between the ancestral peoples of both modern Palestinians and modern Jews go back for thousands of years before Islam.

5,000 years of ancestral relations between Arabs and Jews

Some historical and genetic background of different Jewish groups and different people we now call Arabs

More genetic background on the ancient people of Canaan

The establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 introduced a fresh component of grievance, as has several subsequent bloody defeats in multiple wars against the Israeli state.

The Conflict Between Jews and Palestinians Burns Hot and Cold Over Time

Since the state of Israel was formed a number of wars and other actions have been fought between Palestinians (and Muslim Countries) and Jews over control of the land between the Jordan River and the eastern Mediterranean.

The chart below displays the death toll from some recent years.


The actual death toll between the peoples we now know as Jews and the people we now know as Palestinians, is certainly in the millions over the past several thousand years. The bitterest and most lasting enmities are often between peoples who are related to each other in some way, and tied together irrevocably.

Why Is the Hatred of the Palestinian So Much Stronger?

The person who feels that he is wronged will nurse an old hatred for much longer than will the person who feels justified in his successes. After the Nazi holocaust against the Jews, the Jewish survivors felt that they deserved a Jewish state in their ancient homeland, where they could defend themselves against enemies.

The 1948 United Nations plan to divide Palestine between Jewish and Arab populations was rejected by the Arabs, but accepted by the majority of the Jewish settler leadership. The execution of the UN plan led to the first Arab-Israeli war.

There were many ways in which the partition of 1948 was unfair to the Palestinian Arabs. Many Palestinians chose to leave their homes with assurances from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Lebanon that they could return home after the Zionists (Israelis) were driven out of the territory. But the Arab coalition lost the war, as they have lost every subsequent Arab-Israeli war. Almost a million Palestinian Arabs were displaced by the 1948 war, and more were displaced by subsequent wars.

There are presently 58 Palestinian refugee camps.  All are located in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Gaza, and the West Bank.  No such camps are located within, or operated by, Israel.

Refugee Camps Grow & Funded in Perpetuity

Not surprisingly, Palestinian refugee camps have become perpetual birthplaces of hatred and violence. While most populations move on from refugee camps to find lives on the outside, ever newer and larger populations of Palestinian refugee camps are being used as pawns and cannon fodder by Arab governments and by their own leaders to be used against Israel.

As we have seen the past few days, Gaza under Hamas leadership has become little more than a better-funded refugee camp and training ground for rapists, murderers, terrorists, and vandals. Gaza is literally a staging ground for war, and has been so for decades.

For Palestinians, hatred is their religion and their ethos. From the cradle, those little ears were fed a steady diet of hate. No escape was possible. If the people of Gaza achieve ecstasy by tearing Israeli men, women, and children apart, piece by bloody piece, they have come by that depravity naturally.

But once achieved, what is to be done with it?

The young people who were murdered at the rave in southern Israel could have perhaps asked themselves that question in the short time they had to live, once the attack was initiated. Or perhaps they could have asked the question years ago. Or their parents, grandparents, and so on, many long years past?

You cannot talk that kind of hatred away. Particularly in a mind that struggles with complex ideas and has little experience of empathy toward anyone outside his family. For minds like that, emotions substitute for thought almost all of the time. And those emotions are burned in deep.

Palestinians are Not the Only People Like This

It is not only populations with average IQs of 85 and below who are stuck with the emotions they were programmed with in childhood. But the lower the IQ, the more difficult it is for anyone to rationally think their way out of an emotional pit. Emotions become the only thoughts the person has. If the emotions lead to violence and hatred, the society usually suffers.

Most countries in the western world sphere have relaxed their immigration policies recently to allow large numbers of emotion-driven people in. Unless those policies are tightened soon, there will be hell to pay. What kind of hell? Have you heard of Gaza? Or Bucha? Or. Auschwitz? Or Rwanda?

Try not to help set up your own local community massacre.

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2 Responses to Palestinian Babies: An Eternal Birthright of Hatred

  1. Curt Theissen says:

    All of this is true. But its also literally true of jews and jewish behavior thorughout history. With remarkable consistency. The religions and their attitudes to outsiders are in fact very similar, even if some of the outward manifestations vary.

    Its disturbing to see people only able to recognize one side of this reality.

    • alfin2101 says:

      I don’t know. It seems a rather trivial thing for a person to be disturbed at. Perhaps some people have nothing important to disturb them. 😉

      Seriously, though, bad behavior certainly does not limit itself to any particular location or ethnicity. Any honest persons of Palestinian descent, however, admit that they were taught to hate Jews from earliest childhood. The same is rarely true for persons of Jewish descent. Perhaps the higher IQ and greater lifetime achievement possibilities cause Jews to think more on the future and less on the past?

      You see the same thing in different ideologies, with some ideologies focusing almost exclusively on the past, while others encourage a focus on the future. Likewise positivity vs. negativity. Of course, it only takes a few brutal massacres or beat-downs for positive future-oriented people to become negative past oriented.

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