Attack of the Pattern-Seeking Systematizers: Why Men Build Skyscrapers and Women Build Grass Huts

“If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts” and “There is no female Mozart because there is no female Jack the Ripper.” __ Camille Paglia, a Female Legend

Earlier this year, neuroscientists at Stanford University devised an artificial intelligence model that could pore over human MRI studies, and with an approximately 95% accuracy rate could distinguish between male and female brain scans. PNAS study linkFull study PDF

When the Systematizing Mechanism evolved in the human brain between 70,000 and 100,000 years ago, instead of looking at a [thing] as if there were nothing more that could be done with it, our minds started to look at it as a system, something governed by if-then patterns. The Systematizing Mechanism was the result of a revolution in the human brain that caused humans to diverge from all other animals and dominate the Earth. It all came down to the drive to seek out if-then patterns. This drive was most prominent in the male brain. __ Paraphrased from Simon Baron-Cohen’s The Pattern Seekers

Female brains are different from male brains in size, structure, and function. Male hormones cause human brains to be more interested in the patterns of things and the reasons for things. Female hormones bring about differences in the human brain which are reflected in female behaviors.

What we’ve found is that the female brain is so deeply affected by hormones that their influence can be said to create a woman’s reality… Because of the fluctuations that begin as early as three months old and last until after menopause, a woman’s neurological reality is not as constant as a man’s. __ The Female Brain

It does not take an artificial intelligence to see that male and female brains are different in size, statistically. More importantly, specific brain centers are different in both size and activity, between males and females. The Stanford study above was published just a few months ago, and we can expect more such studies looking at both anatomical and functional differences, using both artificial intelligence and advanced brain imaging.

Statistically, male and female brains are different. We have always known this, but lately few have been brave enough to say it out loud, due to fear of recrimination. What we did not know, was just how different male and female brains can be — and the dramatic impact this difference has on societies.

Males are pattern seekers, and systematizers. Men look for patterns in the world around them, and try to develop systems within which their worlds will make sense. But men do not stop there. They test and explore, they push the boundaries. Smart men test the boundaries in smart ways. Stupid men test the boundaries in stupid ways. Violent men test the boundaries in violent ways.

Women are strong “feelers” and empathizers. Women soothe and comfort, they nurture. This is an excellent approach to babies and young children. It is a fine approach to the weak and the ill. And often it is the best approach to men, who carry violence with them like a third arm.

Women have very strong feelings, and modern western women resent being made to feel inferior or subservient. Because of this resentment, they often overreact against ideas that make them feel uncomfortable, when put in positions of power. Many of these powerfully placed women will typically overreact in an emotional, rather than a logical way. Evolution could have told us that.

Leftism and Apocalyptic Environmentalism are Often Female Dominated

The ongoing downfall of Germany owes much to the female component of the powerful Green Party. The German Greens are unable to understand the scientific and technological aspects of nuclear power, for example, and adopt a superstitious approach to the question. They began rejecting nuclear power in the 1970s and 1980s, before “climate change apocalypse” became a trendy political movement. Germany closed its nuclear plants before it closed its coal plants, supposedly in the name of stopping the climate change apocalypse! This was all based upon the logic of feeling, the logic of fear, and the logic of superstition toward an incomprehensible technology.

The female dominated German Greens are okay with burning wood, however. That is a technology which they understand, and which has been understood by human females and their ancestors for millions of years. Logically it makes no sense for climate-obsessed females to burn wood, but logic has nothing to do with it. Female brains have their own “feelings-based” logic.

And so, women build grass huts while men build skyscrapers. The female phenotype is the default pattern, while the male phenotype requires massive insertions of testosterone at the proper developmental intervals. Males are an ongoing experiment, and we can never be sure how it will turn out.

Male vs Female Brains

Males can be violent. Russian males, for example, and the males of southern continents, tend to display an inordinate tendency toward violent behaviors.

But there is always the bad that comes with the good. The male experiment has had some unfortunate side effects, but it is still ongoing.

The male phenotypes that have generated the most human advancement over the years appear to display lower rates of violence overall. A subset of those less violent phenotypes has also displayed higher rates of exploration and discovery on Earth and beyond.

When extending human civilization beyond the natal planet, it may be possible to artificially select for higher rates of discovery and advancement, and lower rates of violence.

As for women, it is likely that selecting for higher accomplishment and lower violence is possible. The problem is that the extremes of behavior and achievement in women are not so dramatic as with males. Even so, a significant positive effect for future generations is quite likely if the founder populations of far-flung colonies were selected wisely, male and female.

There will always be exceptions, such as Madame Curie and Hypatia. This is why women should have every opportunity for advancement and self-discovery as men do. But no more than that.

More: We have been looking at this issue for a long time at the Al Fin blogs. It is not surprising that the underlying reality is different than the politically correct propaganda provided by government, media, university, and other goose marching social institutions. The surprise is how far from reality the echo choir is willing to stray.

There was a systematizing gent

Who ran amok in Kent

Heh! I’d like to meet his tailor!

Adapted from Warren Zevon

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