A Sober Look at China’s Bubble Economy

Impressive Growth: How Much is Real?

China’s economic growth over the past 30 years has been impressive. But the raw economic statistics that are meant to impress us also cover up a less savory reality that is stealthily sneaking up on China.

Move slowly through the video below, especially if you have never examined how China grew to global industrial prominence through massive foreign investment, export driven growth (WTO), top-down overproduction, technology theft and counterfeiting, and lying by statistics.

Chinese overproduction in EVs, real estate, high speed rail, and other fad-niche industries, is taking a toll on these bubble industries as global demand fluctuates. Chinese GDP is dropping as a result.

Chinese GDP Slumping

Foreign investment into China has trended down as the cost of doing business in China has risen.

recent survey by the European Union Chamber of Commerce found that only 15% of respondents considered China the top choice for current investments, while 13% saw it as the top target for future investments. Both figures were historic lows.

The same survey found that a slowing Chinese economy was the biggest concern for 39% of the companies that responded. Official data released last week showed soft domestic demand and property woes continue to pose challenges to Beijing’s growth target of “around 5%” this year.

Low quality in Chinese infrastructure and Chinese products has contributed to a poor global reputation for Chinese goods. The frequent collapse of Chinese bridges, buildings, and roadways testifies to the “tofu dreg” level of quality of Chinese manufacture and construction.

China has invested massively in its weapons programs, suggesting that war may be in China’s future. The question may not be “if?” but “where?” Will China invade Taiwan — a relatively low yield target — or will it engineer a bloodless takeover of Siberia?

More ambitious Chinese people of courage, who wish to show off their talents and energies, may choose to emigrate from China to western nations that offer greater opportunities and lower levels of oppression.

Surprising Levels of Chinese Immigrants in the US

Chinese immigration is likely to rise steeply to Russia, as Putin surrenders more and more of Russian sovereignty to Beijing in exchange for financial, industrial, and technological aid to keep Russia treading its treacherous waters. China will progressively take over more of Russian industries, and Chinese male workers will rush to fill the void left by the massive losses of Russian men caused by Putin’s disastrous choices.

The Chinese economic diaspora to Africa, Latin America, Central Asia, and other targets of the Belt and Road Initiative will continue. Beijing’s attempts to solidify control over Tibet and Xinjiang will additionally stretch resources and the stability of central control.

In many ways China is strong and rich, particularly when compared to lesser countries in its immediate vicinity, the East Asian Tigers excepted. This means that Chinese power can easily flow to the corrupt regions who covet Chinese wealth and power, such as Central Asia, Russia, parts of Southeast Asia, and with greater levels of difficulty to poor and corrupt regions farther away.

But China’s internal difficulties and contradictions will continue to plague Beijing’s attempts to control its tumultuous empire, even as it attempts to expand its reach.

Russia’s war with Ukraine is weakening the bear in exponential manner, cranking up Moscow’s dependency on China to ever more painful and humiliating levels. The fall of Putin is entirely within China’s hands.

More on China’s problems:

China’s economy lacks a sound basis

Chinese corruption penetrates to the core

Final word: The modern Chinese miracle was created by US President Clinton, when his administration formulated highly advantageous rules for Beijing’s entry into the WTO. President GW Bush’s administration took Clinton’s policy and approved it, thus unwittingly placing its own stamp upon the rise of another round of communist threat against the free world.

Now US President Biden has thrown China another lifesaver, just when it was in danger of sinking under the waves of harsh economic reality. Biden’s multi-trillion dollar NetZero programs amount to a massive and mandatory transfer of wealth to the communist party government of China, propping up the likelihood of devastating nuclear war into the indefinite future.

What the critics of China’s economy say about China’s dismal economic future is true, as far is it goes. But unless you include the suicidal effects of Europe and the Anglosphere’s NetZero policies — especially the cascading effects of Biden’s policies since 2020 — you will not understand how China can continue building a deadly arsenal of weapons, including weapons of mass destruction.

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