How to Stay Alive in the Coming Ice Age

Energy Bulletin

The arctic blasts of cold weather known as polar vortices, are just a foretaste of what is coming, as the long overdue “coming ice age” bears down on human civilization, with a vengeance. When the deep cold finally hits us, we will be ready to publicly execute every corrupt politician and greedy developer who shoved unreliable intermittent forms of energy down our throats in the name of “saving the planet with green energy.”

How Can You Stay Alive in the Coming Ice Age

Clearly wind and solar energy are just good enough to get everybody killed. Imagine those two effete and erratic forms of energy production in an ice age! The sun will not shine enough to do any good and in the deep cold, all forms of wind energy tend to freeze to a standstill — when the wind blows at all.

Intelligent people understand that only nuclear power has the energy density to provide heat and electricity for the long term, while the climate is moving through its deadly natural cycles. And yet our moronic breed of politicians is spending all public energy resources on utterly unreliable intermittent energy deadbeats. Who elected these people? Anybody?

Energy Density Comparison

Nuclear fission and nuclear fusion provide comparable energy density. But nothing else on the horizon even comes close. This is the time to be perfecting robust and resilient technologies for nuclear fusion and nuclear fission.

Compact reactor designs can allow small to medium sized communities and survival retreats to enjoy reliable heat and electric power for multiple decades at a time. More advanced reactor designs in the future will go for centuries between refuelings.

In lieu of nuclear power, having a nearby coal mine or natural gas field would allow a community to provide its own heat and power for centuries to come. Both coal and natural gas can be converted to liquid fuels, which are convenient for many purposes including the running of a wide range of internal combustion engines. Methane can be converted to methanol, and methanol can be converted to gasoline and a wide range of other useful materials.

Another useful element to the energy equation is the use of advanced high-tech batteries for multiple uses. One new battery technology — lithium iron phosphate — may provide us with the perfect electrical storage technology. Note the advantages of this technology in the graph below:

New Energy and Fuel

It is unlikely that the real battery will live up to its computer modeling data, but if it even gets close to the graphic parameters above, it will be a game-changer in terms of battery storage in devices from hand held electronics to electric vehicles to backup battery banks for homes, apartments, and larger commercial buildings. The scientists behind the development are claiming that it will be a less expensive battery, on top of its superior technical specs.

In an ice age, battery backup can provide emergency safety margins for many vital functions during periodic maintenance checks and shutdowns.

Billions Will Die in the Coming Ice Age

There is no getting around that. All the people who moved to Canada to escape global warming will discover that propaganda and hype have only misled them into becoming human popsicles. Unless they have access to a nuclear reactor, of course. With a good reactor, a community could survive an ice age at the South Pole, or any similar cold spot — as long as they had sufficient fuel and technological expertise.

Billions will not freeze to death. Billions will die from lack of food, from wars for food and resources, from civil unrest, from lack of medicines and basic sanitation, and they will die from the countless diseases that humans have died from for tens of thousands of years — when they are forced to live on the razor’s edge of existence.

Technological expertise — there’s the rub. In the modern era of groupthinking wokeness, we are conditioned to seek racial and gender diversity above all things. The very idea that human communities may need high levels of practical competence and expertise is considered racist, sexist, and homophobic by the leftoid overlords who control our information access streams. And yet, there it is.

In the coming ice age, looters and rioters will abound — at least in the early stages. Science fiction has been very helpful in describing the transition from an age of decadence to an age of abject scarcity — and what happens on the way down. “One Second After” by William Forstchen is perhaps the best of the recent books of this type. It graphically portrays a small community in the aftermath of an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack on the US, and a subsequent global war. Hint: You don’t want to be a type I diabetic when the insulin runs out, nor dependent upon just about anything manufactured by the big global industrial complex.

Trusting in the competence and benevolence of political entities is a ticket to the afterlife, when everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. But extreme isolation will get you just as dead as being overly trusting in the corrupt authorities that lord their power over you. You need to be part of a cooperative that shares tangible skills, competencies, and resources. You need to be part of an “island of competence ©” . You will know the islands of competence by the fact that their lights will stay on and their buildings will stay heated.

You will need to pay attention to advances in technology, and note where the advanced technologies are being implemented most successfully. Be aware of the demographic characteristics of your local communities, including the array of skills and competencies — and how well the people seem to work together in the community in a harmonious and trusting manner. Note how aware the members of the community are, when something is not quite right about a person or a situation. This is a situation where the ability to discriminate can mean the difference between a happy life and a life of misery — or death itself.

We need a better clearing house for the type of information people will need, for purposes of selecting an island of competence to ride out the coming ice age. Something like the fabled but rarely seen Society for Creative Apocalyptology, for example. If you want a slick facade, you can go to the Lifeboat Foundation‘s website. They are at least trying to cover all the bases in a rudimentary manner.

Your best bet is to form your own networks of informants and cooperators, people with whom you can trade information, expertise, and real goods when necessary. As the many worlds surrounding us begin to put the squeeze on, we must be able to respond by using the magic of human cooperation to maximize our resiliency and anti-fragility.

Individuals are not likely to survive on their own, no matter how well prepared. Too many things can go wrong, to catch the person unawares. Families are not likely to survive, unless they are families of dozens or even hundreds of cooperating individuals with many skills and with firm and clear goals.

Modern societies are complex, and fragile. They only survive due to their surfeit of intelligent, trained, educated, and willing individuals. There is a reason why Sweden is Sweden, and Zimbawe is Zimbabwe. If you moved all the Swedes to Zimbabwe and all the Zimbabweans to Sweden, the fates of the two countries would reverse immediately. No amount of political correctness can change that.

Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.

This entry was posted in Climate, Coming Anarchy, Doom, Electrical Power Grid, Energy, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Power, Survival Prepping, TEOTWAWKI. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to How to Stay Alive in the Coming Ice Age

  1. Kgaard says:

    Hi … Can you present your best arguments for why an ice age is coming (or offer up a couple of links)? I would have to see the science to get convinced … Tx …

    • alfin2101 says:

      That’s like saying “tell me all you know, I’ve got a minute.” The short attention span society wants everything handed to it in small easily digested bites, which having been digested makes it feel that it knows everything that needs to be known.

      Sorry, friend. You have to achieve knowledge the hard way, which means that you have to assume that everything you think you know is wrong, then proceed to prove it. If you are philosopher enough, you should be able to do it if you start now.

  2. Kgaard says:

    One good link would do it. I’m familiar with the arguments against global warming, and agree with the argument that we are entering a cooling cycle based on changes in sunspot activity. So I’m generally open to agreement. But “ice age” implies something more intense than a sunspot cycle going into a cool phase. I could certainly google for “new ice age” and find 10 arguments but I’m particularly interested in your personal arguments because I read your stuff.

    • alfin2101 says:

      The Svensmark cosmic ray hypothesis refers to how solar variation allows more or less galactic cosmic rays to penetrate the system to reach Earth’s atmosphere. As you say, that is talking about a “little ice age” such as the Maunder Minimum which may last a few centuries at most.

      My claim is that it is much more difficult for an advanced human civilisation to survive an ice age than to survive a warming period such as the Roman warming period or the medieval warming period — or the modern natural warming cycle. I am not attempting to time the next ice age, but am instead using the inevitability of the next ice age as a mind problem in survival. Understanding longer glaciation cycles requires copious background reading in natural climate variation, involving geology, oceanography, atmospheric science, solar physics, and orbital dynamics of the solar system. And even the best understanding of all of the incremental causes of glaciation cycles will not let you time the events themselves.

      You will probably agree that it is impossible to time an ice age, just as it is impossible to time the stock market. But the world has been going through cyclic warming-cooling-warming-cooling cycles ever since the American isthmus was closed off by volcanic and seismic activity. In other words, nothing of substance has changed to make us think that whatever is behind these cycles has suddenly gone away. No one is predicting an ice age tomorrow. But it is important for thinking persons to understand that when the next ice age hits, it will be orders of magnitude worse for human populations of Earth than the “crisis du jour” could ever be.

  3. Mrs. Watcher says:

    So glad to be of Pleistocene ancestry…and happiest at 20 below…with a solid knowledge of stone, bone, and wood tool making.

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